1. Lauch aws light sail instance
  2. connect via ssh
  3. sudo /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/bnconfig --disable_banner 1 && sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache
  4. to enable https: sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool and follow the prompts

Install “YooTheme pro” theme

  1. Download the Wordpress theme from https://yootheme.com/pro
  2. Install and active the theme
  3. To add your API Key select “Customize” -> “Settings” -> “Api Key”: Enter your api key here, and publish the changes

Add static pages with yootheme demo content

  1. Go to “Homepage Settings” -> Select “A static page” -> “Add New Page” -> name it “home” or what ever you like
  2. Go back, select “Builder” -> “Library” and select demo page you want to have, publish the changes and you can start customising the pages

Repeat step 8 as many times as you require :)