How to import influxdb data to Excel sheet with power query

Recently a client needed some data from his influxdb linked to an Excel sheet. This can be achieved with a Power Query, from your Excel Workbook choose Data -> Get Data (Power Query) -> Blank query Replace the existing code with the following code: let url = "https://localhost:8086", orgName= "MyOrg", token = "MyOrganisation", query = Text.ToBinary(" from(bucket: ""climate"") |> range(start: -7d) |> filter(fn: (r) => r[""_measurement""] == ""climate"") |> filter(fn: (r) => r[""_field""] == ""humidity"" or r[""_field""] == ""temperature"") |> filter(fn: (r) => r[""deviceName""] =~ /U1/) |> pivot(rowKey: [""_time""], columnKey: [""_field""], valueColumn: ""_value"") |> keep(columns: [""_time"", ""deviceName"", ""humidity"", ""temperature""]) "), options = [ Headers = [ Authorization="Token " & token, accept="application/csv", #"content-type"="application/vnd.